About Me

Pastor Everton Smith resides in Brampton, Ontario with his wife Althea and his two children Sherianne and Justin. He currently serves as an associate pastor with Ekklesia Kingdom Ministries, a vibrant church located in Etobicoke, Ontario where Pastor Paul and Pauline Edwards are senior Pastors. Pastor Smith has been called to the Kingdom of God in this generation to empower believers to realize the authority and dominion God has invested in them and also to teach the mysteries of the Kingdom of God to those that will be manifested as sons of God in this current season. Intercessory prayer is an area of ministry that Pastor Smith endeavors to master and his teachings are designed to mature churches and believers beyond their years. He has an extraordinary level of revelation knowledge concerning the Word of God and believes he has been commissioned by God to share the message of the Kingdom of God throughout the world.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Dear Bloggers,

I woke up this morning and before the birds began to sing, I connected with whom my soul has its being. The voice on the other side of the conversation erased yesterdays troubles, confirmed today’s possibilities and brought life and purpose to a life that could have been dull and empty. I was reminded by the soundness of my mind that I am made in the image and likeness of a God who dwells in a realm of light and is in total control of everything. “I must now arise,” I said, to face this day of….. I wondered what kind of day this would be. Will it be a day of trouble, pain, and of displeasing surprises? To my surprise I was interrupted by the same voice I thought had ceased because I stopped conversing, and was reminded that He was the author and the finisher of who I am and what my day should be. For no apparent reason my heart began to sing before the birds could and my soul began to rejoice because of how lucky I am to be loved by God.

Ps 118:24
24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

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